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Dated Brent Report – All Eyes On Midland
This week, we have seen a good example of the dichotomy between Brent's futures and the physical market that underpins it. In the physical, it seems that the market has found a floor this week. Equinor and Gunvor were running down the physical premium with good offering, but this has been met with better buying now. On 17 Feb, Glencore, PetroIneos, and Totsa were bidding for Forties and Midland, and we expect some better support here with good refiner buying seen with decent margins. Our view is that for this month, there is not a lot of crude left in loading cycles for the North Sea grades. This leaves Midland's availability key to the strength of Dated. The cold weather in the US, along with fog issues at ports, could cause some issues here, from what has been some strong export levels from the States.
Dated Brent Report – Oil Market Yo-Yo
The re-election of President Trump has brought havoc and hysteria to oil market sentiment. Trump's predictably unpredictable rhetoric and actions have created significant uncertainty and volatility for financial markets, which has reinforced large intraday swings in Brent futures and spreads. This filters into the Dated Brent market, where the financial meets the physical market. Physical differentials have taken a nosedive in line with weaker Brent spreads, falling to negative levels of -$0.18/bbl for the first time since early January. The herdy trading mentality of the Dated market was showcased once again, with the mighty BP, Equinor, Exxon, Gunvor, and Unipec offering a smorgasbord of cargos. Mercuria was, for the most part, alone on the buy side, taking one (many cargos) for the team.
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Dubai Market Report – Hitting The Brakes
After the M1 Brent/Dubai contract fell to all-time lows in our last report, down to an intraday low of almost -$2.60/bbl on 28 Jan, there almost seemed no limit to bearish sentiment. However, the contract has found some momentary respite, recovering from a weekly low of around -$0.70/bbl on 07 Feb up to an intraday high of -$0.34/bbl on 11 Feb amid support in Brent crude. This resurgence was also a function of weakness in Dubai spreads, with the prompt Mar/Apr falling from over $1/bbl on 16 Jan to $0.70/bbl at the time of writing. Notably, trade houses were seen buying the front Dubai spreads against Onyx this week, buying almost 1.4mb and 500kb in the Mar/Apr and Apr/May Dubai spreads, respectively.
Dubai Market Report – How Low Can You (BD) Go
As the Middle Eastern crude market continues to tighten due to supply tightness fears from the prospect of further sanctions pressure on Russia, the front-month Feb'25 Brent/Dubai swaps contract reached an all-time flow of -$2.50/bbl, while the Feb/Mar box fell to -$1.90/bbl. However, ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday, paper market flows have been less one-directional, with better selling interest observed in Dubai spreads and buying interest in Brent/Dubai. However, trade houses remain substantial sellers of Brent/Dubai boxes.
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